What is the role of play in learning? How do we provide young children with the environments necessary to build curiosity, confidence and collaborative skills? Where do children’s museums fit within the continuum of the healthy development of the whole child? These are a few of the very important questions that were addressed during an expert forum hosted by Kidzu at FRANK Gallery as part of the new Turning the Lens on Learning exhibit.

The event had a great 16_09-frank-kidzu-salon-pica-091
turn out and we would like to especially thank our featured speaker, Rae Pica, noted education consultant and author of 19 books on early learning and play research. Ms. Pica’s most recent book, published in 2015 is What if Everyone Understood Child Development?: Straight Talk About Improving Education and Children’s Lives. Ms. Pica was the keynote speaker at this year’s NCAEYC conference. If you would like to listen to her speech from the opening you can view it below.

We would also like to thank our sponsors Julian’s, Top of the Hill , the Print Shop , and Joel L. Levy, CPA. If you did not get a chance to see the exhibit at FRANK Gallery, it will be on show at Kidzu Children’s Museum until November 9th. We hope to see you there!