Can’t get enough of stirring, whisking, and decorating? Break out aprons for the whole family and explore the magic of cooking TOGETHER. Kids in YOUR Kitchen is the @Home version of Kidzu’s popular cooking program. We are sharing some favorite recipes from past seasons plucked from the archives of our Kidzu Kitchen Professionals.
Cooking with your kids is a great way to expand on math, literacy, and reasoning skills while expanding the palate, exploring new cultures, and having fun together. If the kids stick around to help with the dishes, there is even the added benefit of teaching responsibility all with a tasty treat as reward! Bon Appétit!
Click on the recipe for a larger, printable version!

Kids in your Kitchen is all about having fun with your little ones in the kitchen, while exploring math, literacy, and reasoning! Here are some videos of Kidzu families tackling some recipes! If your family would like to be featured, send your video to info@kidzuchildrensmuseum.org, upload your video here, or tag us on Facebook or Instagram!

Join the Lloyd family as they make Agua Fresca!

Learn how to make homemade icecream without an icecream maker with Allie and Mallory!

Raise a glass to Harry Potter and watch Allie and her kids as they make butterbeer!

Join Allie as she makes pumpkin bread and explains the chemistry of baking!

Join the Llody Family and friends as they make smores in the sun! No campfire needed!
For other nutritional activities or articles on the benefits of cooking with your kids see our Health and Wellness Resources. Share your favorite recipes and cooking creations with us and use the hashtag #kidzuathome and tag @kidzucm.
Other Programs
3 to 5 years, 6 to 9 years, Programs