Explore the outdoors with a Kidzu Discovery Pack! Take a guided journey into the wonders found in your own backyard! Each Discovery Pack is a self-guided adventure designed by Kidzu for a hands on, interactive day of outdoor play. For the Kidzu@Home version, read and follow the downloaded Discovery Activity Book, prompts for scientific discovery, creative play, journaling and more! Use the pack contents page as inspiration for materials. Most materials can be found around and outside your home or look for photos and links to create your own. What will you discover?
Check out our Discovery Dash! An interactive challenge designed to enhance children’s experience with the Discovery Packs. By participating in Kidzu’s Discovery Dash alongside any of the 11 Discovery Packs, children can explore the possibilities of outdoor learning and record the activities that they complete, earning prizes along the way. Click on Discovery Dash to begin your journey! Submit your Activities and Badge Requests Here!

Video about Discovery Packs, Boxes, and Discovery Dash.

Hardworking Honeybee (English)

Facilitator Activity (English)

Beautiful Butterflies (English)
Facilitator Activity (English)

Los Depredadores de Jardin (Español)

Kidzu appreciates your feedback! Please click here to access the Virtual Discovery Packs Survey.¿Disfrutaste de el paquete de descubrimiento? Escanee el enlace para realizar nuestra encuesta.
For Educators – Facilitator Guides

Kidzu Facilitator Boxes are available now! Boxes come with multiple lesson plans and materials to use in your outdoor classroom. Contact us to rent a facilitator box for your outdoor classroom today! info@kidzuchildrensmuseum.org

Can’t get enough of the great outdoors? See our Educational Resources page for links to more outside adventures. Show us what YOU discovered outside today while exploring with Kidzu@Home using the hashtag #kidzuathome and tag @kidzucm.
Other Programs
3 to 5 years, 6 to 9 years, Programs
10 to 12 years, 3 to 5 years, 6 to 9 years, Programs